Current research shows that the traditional way that the fitness industry has trained active aging adults (strength endurance work and light cardiovascular training,) is not enough to improve functional performance and improve lifestyle while reducing the risks of falls, chronic pain, and the many other types of both physical and mental deterioration commonly associated with aging. A much more multi-faceted approach is required to achieve these objectives.

In our Fit for Life (FFL) program, we use the six domains of Physical Function as laid out by Dr. Cody Sipes of the Functional Aging Institute as the basis for testing and programming for our clients. Each of these components affects how well we are able to manage the aging process, and therefore, must be evaluated and trained appropriately.
Our FFL Combine is a full battery of tests which efficiently and effectively tests our clients in each of the above domains, as well as their sub-components (to be covered in future newsletters.) By testing, and then re-testing, on a quarterly basis, we are able to help you identify early on any deficits which could negatively impact your lifestyle, and help you prioritize the areas of fitness you most need to focus on, in order to continue to lead the life you love and maintain your function and independence at the highest possible levels.
For the first time, we are offering this testing to non-members, so that they can have the information they need to appropriately set goals for themselves, as it pertains to their fitness. At the end of the test, we provide you with your scores, as well as an explanation of what you can do to improve on or maintain your current level of Functional Fitness.
The cost for the testing is normally $75,
but if you sign up and pay by phone
between now and January 15th,
we will lower your cost to
just $25!!
Give us a call today at
to set up a time for your first FFL Combine Testing!